Just was reminded, during watching Kick-A** the movie (WARING for 18++ violent but funny , and has a nice soundtrack =) ) with Ann, KW , and Deric . SPOILER ALERT!!
There is a scene where 'a character' opens a door in a burning building. and was blown away by an explosion from the room. now, WHY THERE IS AN EXPLOSION IN THE ROOM??
Explanation :
It is due to the lack of air to support the burning fire in the room. The absence of air creates a 'vacuum' in the room. When the door was opened, the outside air quickly rushes in and the flame rush to get the air. Thus, this cause an explosion of flames. BOOM!!!
How to avoid it :
Before you open a door in a burning building, look down or around the door frame,if you see smoking keep coming out and going back in(like breathing).it will BOOM!! if you open it.
~just want to advise you on this~
thx for reading^^