Friday, March 4, 2011

Help me to do this survey , thx :]

Poll Responses: Who are you close to? mum or dad?

Who are you close to? mum or dad?

totally against the assumption daughters are closer to dad and sons to mum.....
lack of samples perhaps? :P

Do U Know? :about Sleep

Humans spend 1/3 of their time of their life... sleeping...

Children who lack of sleep have a higher chance to be overweight...

Children experience sleepiness during day time could be a sign that puberty is approaching...

One out of five teenagers gets nine hours of sleep during schooling...

Students getting low grades in their studies have less sleep...

Teenagers naturally get sleepy at very late at night and tend to wake up later in the morning....

Elder people tends to get sleepy early but they may need less sleep to stay awake during day time.

Nearly half of the elderly ( 60 and older ) experience Insomnia...

Elderly people are healthier when they sleep well in their middle age....

ref : National Geographic Magazine, May 2010

Gnite Catz and Sleep Well^^